United Kingdom England Ipswich FunkURadio OFFLINE LIVE FunkURadio Where You Come To Get Funked Country: Ipswich,England, United Kingdom Genres : 70s80sFunkSoul At Funk-U-Radio we focus on 70′s & 80′s Jazz, Funk, Soul & Disco Music as well as some modern up-to-date R’nB Funky Sounds. We hope You can also listen to Tongue and Groove Radio Putting the tongue back in the groove.Country: England, United Kingdom Genres : HouseSoul Tongue and Groove Radio is an internet radio station from United Kingdom, providing Soul and House music. Contrast Radio Up and Coming and Over Taking Contrast RadioCountry: London,England, United Kingdom Genres : Hip HopReggaeRnBSoul Playing a wide range of music both past & and present whether you like RnB, Soul, Reggae, Rare Groove, Hip Hop & a touch of Sunrise Radio Gold Playing the Golden Filmi Hits of YesteryearCountry: Bradford,England, United Kingdom Genres : 70s80s90sBollywoodIndia Playing the very best golden hits from 70s / 80s and 90s.